வியாழன், மார்ச் 4

இந்து-முஸ்லீம் - M.F.Hussain

நண்பர் ஒருவர் முஸ்லீமான M.F.Hussain  இந்து கடவுள்களை தாறுமாறாக வரைந்து தள்ளுகிறார்.  இதன் மூலம் இந்துக்களின் மனதை புண்படுத்துகிறார் இதை வன்மையாக கண்டிக்க வேண்டும் என அவருக்கு வந்த  மின்னஞலை எனக்கு அனுப்பி வைத்தார்.  அதற்கு கீழ்கண்டவாறு பதில் அனுப்பினேன்.

அவருக்கு பதில் சொல்ல இயலாததால் அவர் நண்பர்களுக்கு அனுப்பி எனக்கு பதில் அளிக்குமாறு வேண்டியுள்ளார்.  அவர்களும் எனக்காக   கீழ்கண்ட பதிலை அனுப்பியுள்ளனர்.

எனது பதில் அவர்களுக்கு தனியாக தருகிறேன்

முதலில் வந்த மின்னஞல்

Dear all!

Few days back on seeing the Times of India, I sent a mail to all my colleagues attaching the derogatory paintings of M.F.Hussain, as under:

 Tue, 03 Nov 2009 07:54:38 +0530 wrote
Dear All,

M F Hussain who is in exile is about to return in a month's time and start his artistic work on Hindus in India !

Shobaa De has invited all of us to receive him at the Mumbai Airport with an extended arm thru' TOI of 02.11.2009. Does he deserve a warm red carpet welcome back? Judge urself what to do?


But, I received a reply mail from one of my HINDU colleague, as under:
என்னுடைய பதில்
Dear Sir,

This is not Hypocrisy, Hussain might have/ well versed with Hindu ved and God's life style or their HIstry, In my opinion he just dipicted what vedas says. Pandavas had (five men) One wife. Lord Rama was bron after Ashwa metha Yagam. (Dasarathan wife had a union with horse). Ayyappan birth........... Parvathy had a Ganesh who has Elephant head How?
Please circulate this along Hussain paintings
oh forget
ask people to visit kajarahoo
I know it is forwarded message pl forward this from whom you got a mail.


எனது நண்பர் தனது நண்பர்களுக்கு அனுப்பிய மின்னஞல்
"Krishnamurthy Ganapathi Raman"

Till this day I have not replied his mail. will anyone in this group give a fitting reply so that I can send it to him?
With due respect to all,

Warm Regards,

எனது விமர்சனத்திற்கு பதில் விமர்சனம் - 1
From: Dr. V.N. Iyer

To: USBrahmins@yahoogroups.com
Sent: Mon, March 1, 2010 10:16:35 PM
Subject: Re: [USBrahmins] Quatar National M.F.Hussain
Dear Shri.Ganapathiraman,
Please forward my observations to Shri. Velmurugan.

!. The questioning attitude of Shri. Velmurugan is very much appreciated. This is exactly what our Upanishats advocated.

2.In our great Hindu religion, even non believers (Nastiks) are accepted as belonging to the religion.

3.Nothing was wrong with one woman marrying brothers as this was a compulsion due to demographic considerations in North western India during Mahabharat days. Even to-day in parts of U.P. this practice is prevalent. Let us not laugh at others' cultural practices arising out of social compulsions.

4. I have gone through the original Valmiki Ramayana edited by Shri. Rajshekhar Bose but did not find anything about the union of a female with a horse.

5. About Lord Ayyappa it is clarified as under:

Manner of worship of God differs from person to person based on his intellectual capacity. If we tell an illiterate that Lord Ayyappa has the combined strength of both Lord Shiva and Mahavishnu, he will not understand it. That is why the union of both in the manner you understood was depicted.

6. Regarding Lord Ganesha there are lot of interpretations. Late Kalki mentioned in Sivakamiyin Sapatham that King Narasimha's commander-in-chief, Shri. Paranjoti saw Lord Ganesha in Vatapi(present day Badami in Karnataka) and ceremoniously brought an idol of the Lord to Kanchi. To-day, the cult of Lord Ganesha is spreading all over the world. One may be aware as to how westeners mis represent Shiva Linga. In one of the lectures, our great Kripananda Wariar gave a perfect interpretation of the Linga.

7. We are proud of not only Khajuraho but Konark. An enlightened British Governor saw Konark and ordered that this world famous temple of art should be preserved at any cost though parts of it were destroyed by a Muslim fanatic.

Coming to that maniac and pervert Husain, I would only say that he wantonly degraded Hindu Gods and Goddesses through the medium of his paintings. That is the Muslim mind which sees nothing good in others and other civilisations. He had no business to indulge in this objectionable past time.

I am sure Shri. Velmurugan is a learned person who tried to understand Hinduism from his own perspective. I respect it. But , to widen his knowledge of Hinduism, I recommend he reads a) Arthamulla Indumatham by the genious called Kannadasan and b) some pulications of Sri Ramkrishna Math and Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan.

Incidentally, Shri. Velmurugan, our great religion had and has many enemies. You may not be aware that both Ramayana and Mahabharata were plagiarised and mutilated by Buddhists using their knowledge of both Sanskrit and Prakrit. Standing example is Uttara Ramayana which was created with sole aim of defaming Lord Rama, Sita and other characters in the Great Epic.

I can go on and on but time has its limit.

God bless you, Shri.Velmurugan.

2nd Response Received from 

Re: Quatar National M.F.Hussain

Posted by: "tatachar101" tatachar@aol.com   tatachar101

Tue Mar 2, 2010 2:48 am (PST)

To Sri Vel Murugan's comments,

First of all many of the characters mentioned (Rama, Pandavas, Draupadi,Dasharatha , Kausalya are not found in the Vedas). Saraswathi is in the Vedas though. But that is not the point. It is the sensitivity issue. You can not rationalize sensitivity!
If some individuals, Hindus or that matter of any religion or ideology say they are hurt, they have all the  right to protest and file law suits. They can also do whatever they feel appropriate to react against someone who fails to stop doing or fail to apologize. It is up to the Govt to protect all citizens by punishing people who create problems. Here, that includes the painter as well as the people who  violate law in directly dealing with the painter or his personal properties. Govt's duty is to protect all citizens, that may involve punishing everyone involved!

Now let us comment on the one sidedness of our celebrated painter. We can not tell him what all he should paint. Like I can not demand him to paint his mother getting laid which was an essential pre-requisite for this painter's arrival in the first place. It is a safe guess taht he did not drop from sky or clotted blood.  We can not demand him to paint acts of forced  circimcisions noted as a great conquest in the Bible. We can not ask him to paint his Prophet (PBUH),  even fully clothed. We can not ask him to paint many people in the shrine of Kaaba who were sacked by the holy warriors. We can not ask him to paint the Hindus raped in millions by the patriarchs of his faith. We can not ask him to paint the Sikh Guru's
boiled to death in hot oil, because they would not accept Islam. We can not ask him to paint even his own birth or the many carnal affairs described in the holy books of other religions. We will not ask him to paint molten lead poured into ears of people who heard Vedas by accident! Basis here is  what is sensitive to people, even if it is a minority of people.
Isn't it true that terrorists of any group are but only a minority of that group? Why play with sensitivity, that too in a one sided manner? And cry if someone reacts.
I certainly don't want my parents making painted in the nude. Of course Vel Murugans amongst us may say, that is a fact,  what is wrong in an artist depicting that? So to say even if
Saraswathi disrobed while taking bath in the saraswathi river,or Kausalya had intercourse with astallion, Hussain can not simply pick up and paint and pretend he is secular artist.

One thing is true, Hussein is not just a good painter, but is also a smart man. He knows whom he can mess with!  He has made fool out of us, every which way you can look. If ever  was that goal for him, he has accomplished it very well. Even more successfully than our diaper clad fakir who brought down an empire!

Hussein has aroused Hindutva brand, as though that was needed; We all know how they make Hindus weaker, every time they take upon themselves to protect us!

He has made the secular-democratic India of Gandhi and Nehru  look dumb one more time in front of Qatar and rest of the world. But not to worry, looking at the disproportionately
high number of letters in the media in favor of Hussein, we can be rest assured that the Gandhi-Nehru Brand (GNB)-secularism is well and alive in India.

He has also exposed how weak our infra-structure that we can not even protect this one fragile man looking like an avian about to hatch out, and can easily fit in my glove compartment, leaving enough room for a dozen eggs.

Worst of all, we had to read Hindu editor Ram's editorial
one more time on this subject!



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